Why write?

"If you don’t write, you can’t really be aware of who you are. Not even mentioning of who you are not."
Pascal Mercier

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Robbit's Trip through the Tunnel

If you hear a language which is completely unknown to you, your brain still tries, unwittingly, to decipher what the strange sounds mean. This is what brains is used to doing, deciphering things. Unless you switch it off, which I cannot. As an occasional practitioner of meditation I never managed to arrive at a state in which my mind was void: the moment I think I might be there, I realise that the very fact that I’m realising anything at all confirms that I’m anywhere but where I was hoping to be.

Our mind hungers for the familiar. It’s not used to emptiness.

Some internet sites require me to prove I’m not a robot. I look at the weird scribbles and try to see something recognizable in them. I must admit, I failed a few times. My robotic arm interpreted an “n” as an “h”, very inhumane indeed. Fortunately, the machine gave me a second chance. Irritated, I typed:

- How about you? Prove you’re a computer!          
- The text you typed doesn’t match the example.    Try again.
- Oh yes, I believe you now. You are just a stupid PC.
- The text you typed doesn’t match the example. Try again.
- wzBr9krin10

If your car breaks down, you can repair it or buy a new one. If your wife leaves you and demands half of your Facebook friends as a divorce settlement, that’s not a tragedy - you’ll sooner or later recreate your friend-reservoir. If all your plants at home die, you’ll buy new ones and this time make sure you water them regularly. There’s always a way out.

If you see an elephant climbing trees, you’ll think it’s a new species, a peculiar kind or a squirrel or a hallucination. If you see photos falling from the sky, you’ll think it’s the Cloud reaching it’s maximum storage space (you might also think it’s a hallucination, or a peculiar kind of a marketing event). But if someone tells you that “Colourless green ideas slept furiously” you’ll think he’s crazy, a poet or a fan of Noam Chomsky. You won’t think ideas can sleep that way. There’s always an explanation.

Anything that happens will sooner or later be grounded in the familiar. And if it cannot be understood in terms of existing systems - a new one will have to be developed. Quantum physics for instance. There’s always an explanation or a solution, it might only not be known yet. 

However weird the circumstances may be, we still manage, with time, to find our way and the answer. You’ll get those characters right one day. After all, things somehow work out. Always.

That’s why when we die we think we’re still alive, somewhere. Once we get out of that tunnel, which takes some getting used to, but after all - we’ve travelled through tunnels before - we say “hello” to those awaiting us and give them an update on what they missed on earth. Your wife divorcing you, your car breaking down, your plants dying and other vital information. They don’t have FB there - they really need some serious filling in. 

And then, flabbergasted, you see those ideas, green and colourless, sleeping furiously under a blue sky on a soft bed of a Cloud. They suddenly look so familiar.

That's the moment you're Redirected ...  for good.

(photo source: www.akinvong.com)

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