1) If you commit a crime, you may end
up serving your sentence in this building (Nieuwersluis Vrouwengevangenis
between Loenen and Breukelen in Holland). Slight disadvantage: I suppose the
view from the outside is better than from the inside, and as a prisoner, you’d
probably only admire the latter most of the time. The pain may be alleviated by
the fact that you could now post this picture as your new address (coordinates: Zandpad 3, 3631NK Nieuwersluis)
2) No need to queue to use the toilet
at Hannover Messe (as majority of the visitors are men)
3) The chances that you will one day
wake up next to an ugly, fat, complaining creature who claims to be your wife,
are scarce (this, however, doesn’t diminish the possibility of waking up one
day next to an ugly, fat, complaining creature who claims to be your husband, so I’m not so sure how
advantageous point 3) really is)
4) You will probably earn less than a
man in a comparable position, or even nothing, which will inevitably increase
your creativity, especially if you’re a single parent raising 5 children, and
have recently been abandoned by your husband.
5) In Germany, you may use one of the 2
parking places reserved for women at certain parking lots along the highway.
Those are usually close(r) to the toilets than other parking spaces, but in
case you really need to use the toilet urgently, point 5) loses its validity
(this is not Hannover Messe and you might have to queue)
6) If you happen to be a little chicken and you have just hatched from the egg, you'll stand much higher chances of survival if you're female (provided the chicken-sexer, yes, such profession really exists, will recognise that). If you're male - you're dead.
6) If you happen to be a little chicken and you have just hatched from the egg, you'll stand much higher chances of survival if you're female (provided the chicken-sexer, yes, such profession really exists, will recognise that). If you're male - you're dead.
about it. I wanted to make it a list of 10, but this really is all I could come
up with.
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