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"If you don’t write, you can’t really be aware of who you are. Not even mentioning of who you are not."
Pascal Mercier

Monday, 2 July 2012

Polish Remover

At “Removers and Co.” we truly are serious about innovation. We took a simple nail polish remover, and removed one element. The nail. Suddenly, we got a brand new product, ready to be launched to satisfy the needs of the growing niche market, the not-so-much-fans-of-Polish-people. Just a few drops of our “Polish Remover” over a cotton bud, brush it gently all over the photograph or any other visual representation of a group of persons (safe to use even on your PC or TV screen)– and here we go, all the Polish are gone from the picture.
This revolutionary liquid removes all members of the not-so-much-liked, or even hated, nation in a matter of seconds. And it has an additional advantage: it detects any traces of polishness in anyone – it helps you uncover the polish roots in people who swear not to have any. You’ll be surprised how those noses, ears, arms, feet – you name it – disappear after just a brief contact with our “Enhanced Polish Remover”. Whole heads, or just parts of it, just the hair, or one third of a belly – all that is gone in an instant, ready to be used as evidence in any dispute regarding origins you may have with any extreme-right party supporter.

And we’re only just starting. The following are soon to be launched:

-          Polish Removal Spray – to be used in public areas, on live individuals. Leaves non-Polish specimen entirely unaffected and erases the not-so-much-liked from your sight. (Beware! The actual individuals do not physically disappear, so you still run a risk of bumping your forehead on their invisible back, for instance, or bumping your car into their invisible rear bumper). Bio-degradable and very efficient in use.

-   Polish Voice Block – earplugs specifically designed to filter out all the sounds of the not-so-much-appreciated language, leaving all other sounds unaffected

-   Other Selected Nations Removal products (designed specifically to remove any nation you wish out of your sight)

-   Bump-on-the-forehead caused by a not-so-much-liked nation Removal Lotion (helps you get rid of the nasty proof of a too close encounter within  a few minutes)

-       Instant Recovery Eye Drops – just one drop in each eye will recover your vision, should you wish to see the removed individuals again (e.g. in case you want to employ them to refurbish your bathroom or fix your crooked walls)

-   Tight T-shirt removal lightweight spray – versatile and handy in a 10, 50 and 100 ml containers, for any use you can imagine.

If this is still not enough, we may recommend our ground braking invention “Magic Brain Oil” – with just a few drops into each of the ears, any half-wit will turn into his/her opposite.

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